Blitz (206/213)

From:James L Boyd
Date:30 May 2000 at 03:39:40
Subject:Re: BlitzPC

> Hmm, how about some examples of what a set of 'basic' window/gadget
> would be. If they're basic enough, I'd consider it. My problem here is
> I don't have a lot of experience in GUI programming (anyone who's used the
> original TED will verify that!), so I don't really know what people are
> after.

Ah, now you're asking ;)

I just meant stuff like plain buttons, string gadgets (er, does Windoze call
these things gadgets?!), ability to create windows with various attributes
(eg. resizeable/non-resizeable, etc).

Thinking about it though, if it's not your thing, it's probably best to just
stick to what you know -- only doing GUI stuff in part would probably gain
Blitz a bad reputation, whereas if it's just geared towards games, and does
it well, no-one can complain ;)

I can shift my focus to game-type stuff, since I don't really do anything
/that/ serious ;) -- I suppose Visual Basic is the tool for utils these days

Feature request dropped!

> I wouldn' bother reading up on DirectX. BlitzPC commands should be simple
> enough to make sense on their own, eg:

> Graphics 640,480,16
> player=LoadImage( "player.bmp" )

Uh-oh -- you forgot "If player=0 Then End"! :P

> Cls
> DrawImage player,0,0
> Update

> One thing I'd quite like to do soon is get some small demo executables
> together for people to test on their machines. As with anything on the PC,
> compatibility is probably gonna be a larger than small problem.

Well, I'm ready when you are :)

See ya,

James L Boyd
Connected from Fife, Scotland.
Death to the Pixies!

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